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The Visit: REVEREND Ralph Douglas R., (aka pastor Doug R.) came to “visit” us here at ACMTC (later we learned he was really trying to get two members here back into his Church). Everyone was friendly to him and he didn’t see anything odd; just our normal dedicated Christian community life! We drove him around to view the scenery, having a pleasant conversation with no disputes. When he left he stated he enjoyed his visit here and planned to return with his whole family to camp out with us.
The Persecution Starts After this, we were informed that Mr. Doug R. posted this message on a cult network message board: “I pastor a church in New Mexico and just lost a young couple to aggressive christian ministries. I live 3.5 to 4 hours from their northern compound and 2 hours from the one in berino. I would be glad to try contacting anyones relative as i will be making regular attempts at contacting the two from my church from now until they leave or this cult is broken up whichever comes first.” We informed him we did not wish him to return for another visit, (in 2003) because he held such a malicious stance against us. Obviously this letter contained great delusion because there have been no further attempts, calls, letters or anything else received from him ever since.
The Persecution Continues After the venomous contradicting statements made about us on the Dr. Phil show by Maura S. [hereafter: MS] herself, this spiteful statement was found on the Dr. Phil message board. “September 18, 2006 I’m familiar with this group Dr. Phil, I am well aquanited [misspelled] with the group calling themselves aggressive Christianity missions training corpe [misspelled]. I am a pastor and while pastoring a Church in New Mexico I worked to get a few people out of there. Three are currently out, but only one is moving on with his life. The extent of the emotional and mental damage done by this group is horrific and I applaud you for tackling such a difficult case. I have sat across the table with Jim although Debra [never spelled this way] refuses to aknowledge [misspelled] me so I understand the boldness it took for you to approach them. I never have watched your show a lot as many other talk shows take easy cases to make themselves look good but you have proven that is not the case with your show, thus gaining my respect. I will be watching a lot more often now, keep up the good work. Rev. Doug R.”
Our Response Now, let us dissect this letter in a few parts to thoroughly understand and prove the FALSITY of his accusations:
Part 1: “I am well aquainted [misspelled] with the group calling themselves aggressive Christianity missions training corpe [misspelled].” Well acquainted? No, more like gossip-saturated! Mr. Doug R. first “heard” of ACMTC from an enemy, Marty Shank. Marty was under MS’s witchcraft for years. She even later died a bitter death of cancer as a result of persecuting the ministry. That is what he means by “well acquainted”. He had not even read or listened to a teaching or anything else until he was driving up to the ministry to try and get people out of the “cult”. Talk about a BIASED EVALUATION!
Part 2: “I am a pastor and while pastoring a Church in New Mexico I worked to get a few people out of there.” Two people, a newly married couple that were in his congregation, wanted a deeper commitment to the Lord and, after already withdrawing from his Church, moved here. The couple was already requesting to come here months prior to meeting Mr. Doug R. At no time did Mr. Doug R. have anything to do with anyone leaving here, or did he even have any contact besides his first brief visit with anyone here. I think Mr. Doug R. just likes thinking he’s some kind of cult-busting deprogrammer...or something!
Part 3: “Three are currently out, but only one is moving on with his life.” What he’s talking about here is, after the couple in his congregation came here, a young man moved in here that seemed normal at first and appeared to want to go with the flow of things. But after about a year, he started acting strange and refused to eat any food. Concerned about his well being, we committed him to the nearest institution for help. Though Mr. Doug R. had never met the young man, his parents didn’t know what to do with their son after he was released from the institution so they paid Mr. Doug R. (the self-proclaimed deprogrammer) to be his legal live-in drug dispenser. The married couple left here for a brief period of time, having nothing to do with Mr. Doug R.’s influence, but because of a family misunderstanding, but shortly returned.
Part 4: “The extent of the emotional and mental damage done by this group is horrific and I applaud you for tackling such a difficult case.” Wow! Like good job Dr. Phil, you pagan, you’re such a hero. You really helped things out! But, uh, what exactly did he help out? Nothing—it’s just empty words.
Part 5: “I have sat across the table with Jim although Debra [never spelled this way] refuses to aknowledge [misspelled] me...” Sat across the table! He acts like he tried to “talk some sense into us” or something. No, no, when he was here he talked about destroying pagan altars in the town he lived in, what he liked to eat, and what sports he liked participating in. HE MENTIONED NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF OUR MORALS, ETHICS, PHILOSOPHIES ETC.—OR EVEN GOD! Good thing General Deborah didn’t get a chance to talk to him because he probably would have made up some unfounded horrific accusation.
Part 6: “...so I understand the boldness it took for you to approach them.” What he’s really saying here is “I have approached them as well so therefore you are bold, but I AM EVEN BOLDER! Pat on the head to you Dr. Phil my inferior subject!”
Part 7: “I never have watched your show a lot as many other talk shows take easy cases to make themselves look good but you have proven that is not the case with your show, thus gaining my respect.” Wow, so I guess “talk shows” take easy cases? Hello! Talk shows don’t take CASES, they take gossip! They are not a court, they are a money-making business and whatever shocks gains attention! That’s why they make their stories “SHOCKING”! The truth of it is, if they portrayed us here in our normal everyday Christian life, it would be nothing but boring! WHY DIDN’T MR. DOUG R. TELL ABOUT HIS NORMAL LITTLE VISIT HE HAD WITH US? By the way, he did not mention he was coming or anything, he simply just showed up and we welcomed him in. Let him describe what he saw here! Let him give an account about what was so WEIRD about his visit in reality—NOT IMAGINATION!!!
Part 8: “I will be watching a lot more often now, keep up the good work.” Wow! Now he’s going to be watching Dr. Phil a lot more often, great! I have here a list of some of the names of some of the show titles released in the next few months, starting the day after the date ACMTC was aired on the Dr. Phil show. Titles include (in order): Marry Me or Else!, Love Scams, Attack In the Night, Drunken Mistakes, Teen Plastic Surgery, Teachers Caught in the Acts, Backstabbing Sisters, Cheating Disasters, Gorgeous isn’t Enough, Shocking Accusations, In-Laws Dirty Secrets Exposed, Rude Relatives, Spoiled and Entitled, Homework Hell, Out-of-Control Husbands, Holiday Horror Stories, Cheating Disasters, No More Jerks!, Gender Identity Crisis So we see that these are some of the “tough cases” that Doug R. admires Dr. Phil for! Wow! I’m sure Doug really gained an immense amount of superior knowledge from such EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING! So we see that the letter he had sent to Dr. Phil was nothing but hot air and an inflated opinion of himself, based on absolutely no reality, facts, and definitely no proof. Not only did he make those demonizing accusations, but he also went and slandered us as a destructive cult on a local television network—NO PROOF OF COURSE.
THE FALSE PROPHET After disclosing all his wicked purposes towards us here at ACMTC, let us state that the true reason he is so adamant against this ministry is his HATRED FOR THE TRUTH.
The FALSE PROPHECIES of REV. DOUG R.: “Pastoring” the Church in Truth or Consequences, members who left his congregation state all prophecies he gave that can be recalled. However, time proved all to be fictitious. 1. God sent us here [Doug and Tracy (his wife), to the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico] because there is going to be a mighty outpouring of God here, and we are going to be the heads of it.
2. Our Church (Lighthouse Church of God) will build a lighthouse prayer center on the highest hill in the Truth or Consequences area.
3. God showed me that I will go to the Truth or Consequences hospital, and lay hands on, and heal, all the people in there.
Shortly after these “divine revelations,” Doug and family quickly left the area of Truth or Consequences never to return because “the demons and demonic oppression was too strong” for them. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 warns us, “But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
Homosexual Demons I have here a statement from an individual who expresses her honest concern for the character and personage of Mr. Doug R.: “I was a housewife at the time when pastor Doug asked my husband to go kayaking with him. I didn’t think it was anything strange because we were new members in his Church and kind of figured it was a getting acquainted type thing. Well, my husband was gone for almost a whole day until the sun went down which kind of upset me because Doug made it appear as if it was only going to be an hour or so. When he finally got home he explained to me that Doug wanted to keep going down the river because he loved sports and hardly ever got to do anything with a man. While he was talking I noticed he was speaking in a funny manner with a lisp and kept limping his wrist like a homosexual. I pointed it out to him and he confessed that Doug had taken off his shirt and kept talking about how he liked being around army men. My husband instantly noticed that he had come under the “queer” spirit of Doug and we prayed God would deliver him of all homosexual spirits.”
Perversion Roots Spring Up On the front of his Facebook page, Mr. Doug R. has under “Activities and Interests” — “The World’s Funniest Condom Commercial” (3-15-2012). Now, it does not seem fitting for a “reverend” to have such an abominable phrase down as one of his interests. “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints” (Ephesians 5:3).
Who Are His Friends?... According to the ex-congregation members, Doug reported befriending and “frequently going golfing with a Catholic priest who smoked a good deal and constantly cussed.” What kind of FRIEND is this for a Christian to hang around? The couple also reported that Doug would go and visit one of his good male friends frequently, and according to him, “smell like marijuana only because I would be in the room while my friend would smoke a joint.” Some found this rather suspicious because of Doug’s claims of being a drug-dealer before his salvation.
In Conclusion: REV. RALPH DOUGLAS R. IS A SELF-APPOINTED CULT-BUSTER WHO THINKS HE IS GOING TO DESTROY A MINISTRY GOD RAISED UP!!! Let him try! He will NOT PREVAIL against the Living God. The bottom of his poisonous spirit is perversion. Not only in the natural manifesting in sexual uncleanness, but also in the spiritual, bearing a phantasmal aptitude to reject the truth and attempt to destroy the true ones of the Lord. LIARS! PEOPLE LIKE THIS WILL BE PUT TO SHAME.
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